

If there’s one part of your business where you can’t afford to make mistakes, it’s in finance.

Lack of insight, miscalculations or bad cash flow management could cost you a chunk of profit – or even your entire business. You need to attract the best possible finance talent, but that doesn’t come cheap. Plus, you don’t need a full-time resource.

Up to now, this placed you in a quandary: go without the financial expertise you sorely need, or hire an expert you can’t really afford.

SHARE-TIME with The Finance Team changes all that.

With The Finance Team’s innovative business model, now you can “share” the time of some of the best finance executives in the business. From our team of experienced associates, we’ll identify the person who best fits your needs, and you’ll pay only for the time you need them.

Whether it’s for two days a month, a once-off project, or every year around tax season, you can SHARE-TIME with The Finance Team, allowing you the benefits of a top-notch finance professional without the hefty salary bill to match.

Our Clients and Partners

Having your financial functions managed by a trusted, experienced team from will make your business more efficient and profitable

Please contact us for any enquiries